Report of the anti-plagiarism system - short protocol
Declaration of the doctoral student according to Appendix 1 of the Rector's Decree 90/21 download file
An opinion of the Director of the Doctoral School on the doctoral student, certifying the attainment of learning outcomes for a qualification at Polish Qualifications Framework and European Qualifications Framework level eight, including knowledge of a modern foreign language
Copy of diploma confirming possession of a Master's degree or equivalent (original for inspection)
A publication or monograph, which is a statutory prerequisite for the initiation of proceedings
Minutes of the presentation of the completed dissertation at a meeting of the Institute/Departmental Council, together with a list of attendees
A favourable opinion from the Bioethics Committee or the local Animal Research Ethics Committee or an opinion confirmed by the Committee's Chairman that there are no characteristics of a medical experiment
In the case of a dissertation based on a series of publications, a statement by the doctoral student, the supervisor, the supervisors, the supervisor and assistant supervisor and the co-authors on their contributions to the work download file, download file
Letter from the supervisor(s) indicating the proposal of 2 candidates to the Doctoral Committee